Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Practice Project

Pilot the Dog

This 50 pound bundle of mischief joined the clan in November. One of his hobbies is chewing up any telephone, remote control, or game controller left unattended. Since this is my first strip-built anything, I decided I should try a small project first. I settled on a box we can hang on the wall in our TV room that keeps the remotes handy yet still out of Pilot's reach.

Wall box under construction

Building this box gave me some practice stapling strips, beveling the strips to go around the curve, and gluing strips together. The box is now constructed and is awaiting final sanding and a coat of varnish. The most important lesson I learned is that it is easy to get carried away with the plane when beveling the edge of a strip. Something I don't want to do on the boat!.

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