Monday, May 15, 2006

Rollerblading on the Bike Path - 2006.05.14

Originally uploaded by TimsPottery.
Why turtles in a blog entry about rollerblading? The bike path is next to the river and goes around and over some wetlands. On the first really warm day of the year, what would you do if you were a turtle. I'd do what the rest of the turtles do and soak up the sun.

No fears alone at night she's sailing through the crowd / In her ears the phones are tight and the music's playing loud

- Mark Knopfler

Originally uploaded by TimsPottery.
Blazing down the bike path in his penguin shirt, Rollerboy is but a blur.


Kim in Oregon said...

Nice purse rollerboy.

Toast King said...

That's a murse -- as in, "male purse." If you'd watched Beauty & the Geek you would know these things!